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The most beautiful gesture in the world


The most beautiful gesture in the world


death leers at you and apes
with harp and flesh-wound
the pink twilight of your eye

beaming your worldly smile
with your eternal sloppy joe
under which your terrific breasts
the left one pretty

than the other

death on the look-out in every smelling thicket
harpy wings snare the mermaid
bearing your fish love

jeans stripped off hastily come
i am your nymphomane diverted my
functionalist sheath

ever so proud of your death in me

sure lust for the lasso
the noose on my nut
the gob and the froth

fall for foul fuckers but you
your lovely eyes take me
ere i perish
and grief

ah my love sweet love never
left from my song
this be the day

death lurks but lingers
snaps out
at our amiss






Door Adriaan Krabbendam

Adriaan Krabbendam (Tunis, 1955) is antiquary, profound sleeper, doctor of the unknown, coachman of relations between the chthonic and the restricted human role in disasters, beachcomber laureate, firm simpleton, now and at the hour of our death, factotum of cities and landscapes, world without end

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