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De juiste tijd om te schilderen

Tijd om te schilderen

Het schilderen van de tijd vergt enige nauwgezette voorbereidingen

Waaronder het bepalen van de ideale samenstelling van die ingredienten die het resultaat gunstig beinvloeden

Bijgevoegde afbeelding is een ijkinstrument dat juist daarvoor ontworpen is


E . M . P . O . R . E . R

Digital Collage AA 2018

Three layers:

1: E.M.P.O.R.E.R.
2: Three images of a waterbottle
3: Two of the three sisters from the Amsterdam Weeshuis painting


Ode aan de Schoonheid van de Nacht

Spoken Word Poetry by yours truly



“Broken Idol seen from behind”, Digital Painting , AA 2018

Broken Idol seen from behind, Digital Painting , AA 2018

beeld erger publi

The current political Landscape as seen from below

Digitaal gefabriceerde schilderingen

Het huidige politieke klimaat geduid door middel van lukraak en min of meer willekeurige lichamelijke hand bewegingen omgezet in een afbeelding die vooralsnog alleen bestaat in het digitale tijd-ruimte continuum

Andreas Maria Jacobs, Amsterdam 2018


Description of an imaginary painting

A war-scene depicting Santa Claus riding a white horse and fighting against Prince Willem-Alexander of the House of Orange. The scene focusses on the final outcome of the battle when Santa Claus defeats Willem-Alexander by pushing his lance into his body.

Prince Willem Alexander is seen falling from his horse, while Santa Claus triumphantly scaffolding his horse high above him. Santa Claus stands for the free cities of Holland besieged by – and finally felt to – the troops of Willem of Orange, the forefather of the current Prince

The scene is situated in front of the Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam, further backwards we see a glimpse of the famous Cuypers/van Gendt building Centraal Station and part of the Nicolaus Church at the former harbour.

To complicate matters Prince Willem Alexander is dressed in the uniform of the former Argentina junta.
Part of the bystanders are famous victims of the Orange regime as there are Johan van Oldenbarneveldt and the brothers Koerbagh


beeld code erger

QR Poetry

Sorry mensen in het Engels,

Maar welaan pakt uwen Handy en laat het de plaatjes scannen (met uwen QR Reader App natuurlijk), de gedichtsels verschijnen automagisch op uw electronische leesbril

Veel plezier

Andreas Maria Jacobs


code erger tekst

Let’s try to imagine radio’s main station in the air, a spider’s web of lines, storm clouds of lightning bolt.

A hijacked skype conversation going mad

Cyber Poetry

Transcript of a skype conversation hijacked and augmented by free form association , probably done by Chinese (?) automated server farms somewhere in Asia or straight from the CIA headquarters. We talked about the authority of dentists and read out aloud some bills with the work done on my teeth. Concurrently my brother talked about radio of the future . Bizarrely some of the items we discussed were picked up in this strange mix-up.

Example text:

“On the great illuminated books in each town radio today as printed the story by your favourite writer an essay on the fractional exponents of space it description of airplane flights you about neighboring countries every clock one can read every choose. This one book. I did you come across an entire country stands in central every small town always surrounded by a ring of readers it carefully composed silent reading more in every settlement”

Read all of it : Enjoy!

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