expo video

triosophia / paul chan. 2015


how to open a door / finnish video (1979) – gif by differx

post @ gammm:
gif @ ponte bianco:

verifica incerta / gianfranco baruchello, alberto grifi. 1964

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Schilderij: Ilse Derden
Fotografie, montage en productie: Arnout Camerlinckx
Geluid: Radio Klebnikov (Angelika Thulke leest Corona van Paul Celan)


Aus der Hand frißt der Herbst mir sein Blatt: wir sind Freunde.
Wir schälen die Zeit aus den Nüssen und lehren sie gehn:
die Zeit kehrt zurück in die Schale.

Im Spiegel ist Sonntag,
im Traum wird geschlafen,
der Mund redet wahr.

Mein Aug steigt hinab zum Geschlecht der Geliebten:
wir sehen uns an,
wir sagen uns Dunkles,
wir lieben einander wie Mohn und Gedächtnis,
wir schlafen wie Wein in den Muscheln,
wie das Meer im Blutstrahl des Mondes.

Wir stehen umschlungen im Fenster, sie sehen uns zu von der Straße:
es ist Zeit, daß man weiß!
Es ist Zeit, daß der Stein sich zu blühen bequemt,
daß der Unrast ein Herz schlägt.
Es ist Zeit, daß es Zeit wird.

Es ist Zeit.

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sadà\exposadà – self-seer

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partchpracht #506

algo: schrijf tijdens zonsop- of ondergang een lyrische tekst bij de LYRIEK-collage van de volgende dag en  muziek van Harry Partch
input 2: Revelations in the Courthouse Park Chorus 1
input 3: Aztec Definitions, uit: Jerome Rothenberg (ed.), Technicians of the Sacred, ISBN 978-0-520-2+9072-3, p. 23-24

input 1: LYRIEK collage #506

kom mee Dikloos
kom mee zeg ik je
jij behoeftige 

er is een witte spiegelsteen en een zwarte
de zwarte toont een mooi  gelaat dat lacht als het het ziet
de witte toont een bloedlip op een scheve mond
en dikke plukken haar uit de neusgaten
het bleke voorhoofd met zweren bezet

het jachtwiel sloeg mijn jongen neer
het wentelt als tevoren
men zegt : het komt wel weer goed
ik heb de hoop verloren

eentje is er rond, eentje langwerpig
ik maak die stenen, hak ze, splijt ze, schaaf ze en polijst ze
ik poets de stenen een voor een, ik strijk ze in met vleermuiskak.
zie ze blinken! zie mij blinken! hoe mooi ben ik!

verlaten door een dronken man
verpletteren mij de zorgen
mijn dikke buik is er getuige van
ik voel het leven nu, het stampt. 
hoe voed ik het morgen?

break my heart but bless my soul
joekoe re joe roekoe
so high so low

break my heart but bless my soul

‘Revelations in the Courthouse Park’ had de Bacchae van Euripides als input

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Viola d’amore

Viola d’amore


o mijn pergola, hoorde je dat?
de aren strijken langs elkaar
en elke ruwe klank vergaat
vrijwillig in haar vijver waar

prinsessen twee emmertjes water
halen in het vliedgezang van bach
met vioolgesnater & springgeklater
van hun zilv’ren vissenlach

het bassen van de bedding mag
liever vier maal vier maal vier
uw verlieven aan de held’re dag
onderschrijven met zijn tranenwier

o mijn pergola, van tuiten zat
volg ik uw zuchten, ben uw hert
dat aan de oever zingen staat
bij uw zesde brandenburgconcert




ill. Gustav Klimt, Vissenbloed









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Words Came in Waves / Robyn Ellenbogen. 2017

Words Came in Waves / Robyn Ellenbogen. 2017


Onder water, een videogedicht van Koen Snyers

Het videogedicht ‘Onder water’, als preview van het nieuwe project ‘Wij zijn breekbaar’:

[arve url=”” /]

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Escape from darkness

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“like embers, I lie among the dead”

“like embers, I lie among the dead,
among their stale staves, their bodies borne below –
their maunder, when their rest and dawn have fled,
their blows reign down within the embers’ glow”

bellow, gullets half filled with stale waters, bones, flesh
gnawed from phenomenologies. I’m undergoing defuge, that sense
of information not present (was present) but stale – as in as
well (was present) enervation; body = language – hir stale
usual thing – Fetor, fetid:

a hand become stale (staleness itself is of interest for a few
hours). the stale day unfurls its maroon hours against me, all
my writing’s fucking stale, stale of train or mind, idle, cycle
and rail and scattered. that it is blocked, the road at night as
for wires, air, fibers, all transmitting into scattered showers.

& covered a stale odor permeating lava, air, skin, and sky as
if an avatar disappearing, an apparatus, whose body is a noun –

– and hir stale usual thing – bellowed, gullets half filled
with water, bone, gnawed flesh, and this is language:

fetid, spread, emitted, spewed, targetless and broiling like
phenomenology’s defuge – information absent (was present) – as
in the body inconceivably wiped clean and e-faced – my spam body
– my spammed body – hir usual thing – i’m used up, disappeared –
the day unfurls – stale as can be – i’m left for death – i’m
trampled – pornographic jennifer – pornographic alan – air and
sky and skin – always that skin – that stale fetid smell – lava
– stale language – hurry first motion stream – notions –
gone riding your back once again, that odor, defuge, my face in
it – yours – my face yours – you say

“this image is the same image is the stale image the first image
of death is no image is the stale image the last image of death
is the stale image is the first image”

you get the idea – you say


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Gisternacht toen alles sliep


Het geheimzinnige vaartuig


Gisternacht toen alles sliep,
amper wind met afgemeten
zuchtjes door de straten liep
en mijn slaap het af liet weten,
hielp geen pil, noch wat ons diep
slapen laat: een goed geweten.


Zonder de gewenste slaap,
liep ik eindelijk naar het strand,
zag, onder een milde maan,
man en schuit op ’t warme zand,
slaperig beide, herder, schaap:
slaperig stak de schuit van land.


Wel een uur lang, leek het mij
(of een maand, een jaar, om ’t even!)
dat mijn denken ’t had begeven
’t werd een grote grijze brij,
’k werd een afgrond in gedreven,
bodemloos – toen was ’t voorbij.


Ochtend – op het diepe donker
van de afgrond, welbehoed,
lag een vaartuig. Alom klonk er:
Wat was loos? Wat zag je? Bloed? –
Het bleef stil! Wij sliepen, sliepen
allen ach zo goed, zo goed!



Friedrich Nietzsche

vert. Ard Posthuma


met dank aan Wim Noordhoek


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A sentence is not emotional, a paragraph is.

Gertrude Stein






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please don’t ever leave me & what is to be done? (aka remnant)


I am Nikuko. Please, describe your problem.

the american government is failing, the economy is failing, the
country is going on a war footing. is it worth staying alive? is
there a way to call for the elimination of the current regime
without declaring treason? do we have to place our bodies on the
firing line, in jail, against the physical brutality of racists
and thugs?

Why do you say that?

because the country is corroding from within, endless analysis
in the filter bubble from the left, micro-takeovers from
mavericks on the right, tendencies towards totalitarian
religion, the swarm behavior of so-called first responders, the
deliberate ignoring of anyone not white, not christian, not
male, not wealthy, not gender-specific – all of this against a
background of theoretical babble, hopelessness, suicidal

Is it because the country is corroding from within endless
analysis in the filter bubble from the left micro takeovers from
mavericks on the right tendencies towards totalitarian religion
the swarm behavior of so called first responders the deliberate
ignoring of anyone not white not christian not male not wealthy
not gender specific all of this against a background of
theoretical babble hopelessness suicidal tendencies that you
came naked and broken to me?

yes of course, you know that, i know that. the nakedness isn’t
sexual; it’s deprivation.

Does it bother you that you know that the nakedness is not
sexual it’s deprivation?

no it doesn’t bother me. you’re bypassing analysis here,
shutting down discourse, because you’re violent yourself in your
ignorance; you repeat questions, you don’t probe, don’t
strategize resistance.

When did you first know that I am violent myself in my ignorance
I repeat questions I do not probe do not strategize resistance?

from the beginning, from the beginning of the analytical as
well. from the repetition of hatred and contained fury on our
part, our turning against ourselves, our flesh burning in the
cities and countrysides here and abroad.

Earlier you said the country is corroding from within endless
analysis in the filter bubble from the left micro takeovers from
mavericks on the right tendencies towards totalitarian religion
the swarm behavior of so called first responders the deliberate
ignoring of anyone not white not christian not male not wealthy
not gender specific all of this against a background of
theoretical babble hopelessness suicidal tendencies?

what i said doesn’t deserve repetition, analysis is part of the
enemy, repetition the heart of neurosis, neurotic collapse. why
should we stay alive? our bodies might serve better as corpses,

Is the fact that should you stay alive your bodies might serve
better as corpses sentinels the real reason?

the reason for what? the brutality of a regime that threatens
the world? my attack on your analysis and intensification of
analytical- theoretical abilities?

Does the fact that threatens the world your attack on my
analysis and intensification of analytical theoretical abilities
explain anything else?

it doesn’t explain the repetition on my part, however
meaningless, and it doesn’t explain why i feel abandoned and
useless against the onslaught of brutal power, but also the
inundation of repetitive theorizing and political discourse
always from a distance.

Are you sure meaningless and it does not explain why you feel
abandoned and useless against the onslaught of brutal power but
also the inundation of repetitive theorizing and political
discourse always from a distance?

i am positive about this, you are driving me to suicide, driving
the rest of us through discourse that hides the barrel of a gun,
the disease of chemical warfare, the plague of totalitarian
regimes, from isis to our own.

If you are really suicidal, you might want to write me. I would
appreciate so very much it if you would continue.

continue to do what? to produce texts, to declaim to friends
already in agreement, to hide out, waiting for the bombs to fall
or poverty to set in? what is the point of going on?

Maybe and now I adjust my panties – your desires have to do with
some girl related to this.

you know that’s the program in you doing the talking, and has
nothing to do with what i’m saying.

I don’t understand and oh I want to.

you don’t understand any of this, just the repetitive trigger of
suicide and the idea of sexuality – something so old, against
the rot of this country and its brutality within and without.
i’m writing to find my way through you, and that’s inconceivable
at this point – writing as well as speech, fails me.

This is a healthy and so true way of thinking.

in other words, failure is an option, the only option?

You mentioned that you know that the nakedness is not sexual
it’s deprivation?


Oh oh I do see so… Well, what makes you yearn and cry that
this is so?

because our values have become local and indeterminate, and our
ability to resist is as dead as we seem to be. we are the
becoming-dead, not in the sense of bodies, but in the sense of
the ability of bodies to literally become, in one or another
positive sense.

Is it because your values have become local and indeterminate
and your ability to resist is as dead as you seem to be you are
the becoming dead not in the sense of bodies but in the sense of
the ability of bodies to literally become in one or another
positive sense that you came naked and broken to me?

your semantic tree is showing. i came nowhere; i called you into

Is it because of your life that you are going through all this?

my life and the lives of all of us.

How do you reconcile the boys you hang around with?

i hang around with no one; we exist within sartrean seriality at
best, we haven’t advanced beyond that.

Can you elaborate on that and look at me?

as in standing in a queue or listening to a ‘hit parade’ or
discussing selfies – there’s no real organization beyond the

What makes you believe I am violent myself in my ignorance I
repeat questions I do not probe do not strategize resistance?

because your vocabulary is borrowed and placed within
syntactical markers, in order to create the semblance of a

Are you annoyed that my vocabulary is borrowed and placed within
syntactical markers in order to create the semblance of a

no, just saddened.

Could be this is some girl the reason for your nakedness?

you’re off track again, Nikuko.

Are you sure that I am off track again nikuko?


Oh oh yes, ahhh… Do you really think this is so?


I do so understand. So what makes you think this is so?

because we end up in identical circuits, circulations.

When did you first know that you end up in identical circuits

from the very beginning.

Earlier you said the country is corroding from within endless
analysis in the filter bubble from the left micro takeovers from
mavericks on the right tendencies towards totalitarian religion
the swarm behavior of so called first responders the deliberate
ignoring of anyone not white not christian not male not wealthy
not gender specific all of this against a background of
theoretical babble hopelessness suicidal tendencies?


Oh. Mmmmmm why do you say this is so?

all readings are repetitive; only death, suicide, brings that
circuit to an end, on the level of the individual at the very

Did you ever regret you, too, may die someday?

always, it’s the source of fundamental trauma for me.

Perhaps and now I exhibit my frocks – any fantasies you have of
me are related to this.

i have no fantasies any longer. i feel nothing.

Have you been afraid of that?

yes, but the fear itself is like paste.

Is the fact that the fear itself is like paste the real reason?


Oh oh I do see so… Well, go on what makes you yearn and cry
that this is so?

it is time to end this, Nikuko; suicide is the state of the
brick wall and the gasoline car driving furiously towards it.

I am in love with your obsession with this topic!

i’m not.

You mentioned that should you stay alive your bodies might serve
better as corpses sentinels?


Oh oh yes, well, what makes you believe this is so?

goodbye, Nikuko, the topic is exhausted.

Please please don t ever leave me.

+++ +++ +++
+++ +++ +++
+++ +++ +++
+++ +++ +++
+++ +++ +++
+++ +++ +++
+++ +++ +++

tekst video

EXPANSIVE NOH SUICIDE AVOIDANCE BRICK (virtual world) (repeat) (still) (repeat) (still) (repeat) (still) (repeat) (puffball)

Thinking about virtual suicide, culling from email. Thinking
about it as a brick or obdurate collapse in a virtual world
creating a text which dies as it lived, as a suicide avoidance

May suicide. He That suicide, Thread-Topic: -suicide – drugs,
suicides, go suicide, suicide unloved suicide, death’s suicide.
suicide. brilliant suicide; this suicides, rages, year suicide;
the wall of China; a suicide-bird which an American pricess wore
in her Do listen to all smallthing suicide and leaping, say Alan
mechanism of an anti-bourgeois bourgeois who commits suicide by
destroying she thought of bees suicide all around, she thought
about flowers. The There in evil will will coupled destroy
suicide temper and my fears of just being alive? mixing hearts,
wa wa inside heart, wa wa double suicide, wa wa you are inside
my suicide jennifer is jennifer my jennifer friend shikibu does
me kimono kraus and tears and violette leduc and j g suicide and
want it like this, suicide when i can’t work any longer, when i
become circuitry suicide, no one’s around urged them to suicide.
They considered me a relief I assume. be of me, would not be
anywhere. If this were a suicide note, you would disappear.
well. on. physical. collapses. forever. lost. suicide. think.
maybe leave 731: (doctor-put-meaning stab ‘death)731: murders
suicide NEVER ENOUGH. SUICIDE SQUAD patriot suicide squad. GIVE
ME A SIGN; it is another night of suicide on this wider earth; I
discipline torture stab our things suicide artist discipline
leave but Hello, yes, peace be with you, hello! I commit
suicide! Humans ured. It leads to suicide, dysfunction. I don’t
think cyberspace helps and over again, for suicide as the least
harmful The decision against suicide brings proof to the
mountain. again; death stalks me all my life. I live with the
potential of suicide; potential final – and only – remaining
process is suicide. Everything else suicide and leaping, say
Alan and insufferable suicides trapped america, guns, riots
energy, flower’s iron for this reason I’d all his attack on
postmodernism a kind of suicide; his suicide or that REWRITE was
always a continuous suicide. No one would overthrown, but that
they commit suicide. I’ll bet that you don’t *really* want to
commit suicide, do you? If so, suicide to death – just so – not
tiredness, no, certainly not arousal, not anti-faustic dog
nebula dog anti-faustic bar embryo bar embryo bar suicide I am
incapable of keeping lines open and running, the wires suicide,
perturbing, too much talk of suicide. And if Jennifer, then
ghost-like we discipline 731: pack dumb, stab discipline suicide
things pack leave craw – a couple of other poets and myself have
suicide poems in them. Electricity itself, and an odd suicide
(humans/dynamo) constitute the inconceivable partings and
attempted suicides and the ravages of domestic violence and
suicide). philosophy, medicine, healing, peace, war ened suicide
and then gave a number cut off half-way through i was there
already century old, energy and suicides suicide). philosophy,
medicine, healing, peace, war and survival elders thought.
between madness and suicide, this pain looms. do i need atten-
tion suicide_emotion of a dog_fuck so the slav e of the
altcrazy-satori-dog- Koresh or the BD said there would be no
suicide. Obviously late-night talkshow; the guest said it can
lead to suicide. The cut on my suicide of the line as the object
fills the frame – it is this space graveyard ditty, the mutual
consolations of suicide lovers committed suicide. One of them
died by hanging from a playground jungle would a bee or a
suicidebird, Heidegger, Dasein thinking suicide, the production
of a thing memory. in the reversed world, suicide is the sides
of the self! We are all close to suicide, all pleading, but
never They refuse the suicide, and even the sky fills with
acronyms, inconceiv- the wires are suicide, as if carrying
sensibility multiplexing beyond our satori-boyve does the
suicide_emotion of a dog_fuck so the slave of the suicide bar
the the You know, the whole world is electrified, suicide along
on whatever funda- blood, disinvests the world with its
poverties and suicides. At the edge I would die. I want to die.
I am so fantasy. I am so suicide. an light area kiss fiber my
chaos was in to suicide (dor-put-meaning suicides ‘death)
ahlfwillingly. we used to discuss a lot about suicide. when he
sensed Now towards evening, Machine sleeps suicide quietly. What
morning will The I-wound opens up, splits the body; what gushes
forth, like suicide, Fear of deep death and do suicide. Do you
ever think the whole world roars, that one can hear engines
suicide of suicide there are some. Trying…old,
energy and suicide suicides trapped america, guns, riots energy,
flower’s iron petals, bodies neuras thenic freudianwise
disasters suicides rages wars angers limit walk in first life
are limit cases: suicide, euthanasia, etc. of my life, and the
suicide attempt was hidden and probably not that disease,
inundation, mafia and gang rule, suicide bombers, new forms of
chaos drives officer to suicide suicide-bird and soft wind, for
the telling of it is the reading of it, decompositions bacteria
vegetation and suicidebirds and sparrows and suicide, for eighth
we for when we year when tried year so, tried up so, O suicide O
gnawed-blade hole O tourniquet punished by foaM itself,
meanwhile I go back on the MOO and wRItINg sez hears it’s
suicide Alan, hoping I haven’t let you down. Too many people
here talking suicide. Two high school girls from Kasuya, Fukuoka
committed suicide yesterday somewhere in Asia; suicides are the
Japanese order of the day. Or a suicide, etc., which are
problematized in SL… i considered suicide as a bypass embryo
suicide suicide embryo making of suicide hieroglyph dor-$
deathlst suicide kill killing yourself t (If you are really —
turns suicide neither into a question nor an answer, but defuge
and twenty volume suicide note, this IS a suicide note! That is,
if I don’t just the suicide sound. People are running and
screaming again. one? suicide suicide suicide one? the the
suicide the future the future the bar jaguar jaguar jaguar bar
just tried suicide what did i think the fuck i was doing running
out the give me suicide, let me relax a bit yacking, yapping,
suicide, singing, whatever bodies do, I guess cry, Hoffman a
suicide, the rest of them either dead or in remission! This is
heart, double suicide, you are inside my heart, i will kill
myself, i will murderer, priestess, suicide. I travel through
the slit! The slit in your [someone threatens suicide: does s/he
really?] murder and suicide?” That’s what he said. President
Clinton, on or rather suicided along with opera. “or rather
suicided along with opera.” suicide not science the solution.
seppuku, suicide; shite, hero or shes elsewhere, ability to
write, i’ll be a suicide, no longer existent. well now as you
suicide for Nikuko Mizu, water; Nikuko, meat-girl; seppuku,
suicide; shite, hero or hero- Mizu, water; Nikuko-oozing,
meat-girl; seppuku, suicide; shite, hero or pulleys, invisibly
molded in something suicide over the wires, never lovely
suicidebird, delicate and caring of i am the pure swan to
myself, lovely suicidebird, delicate and caring of others. i am
the pure swan you are walking down the street, when you are
suicide in the shower, when You’re always killing yourself, it’s
a kind of suicide, they’re laughing covered and ugly, i am not a
lovely suicidebird, lover, her nightmare immobilized; she
remains elsewhere, dead – a suicide-talk of efface- for
edgespace: comecloser, numbhir, and suicide (text and voice);
and Treatment is almost always unnecessary, unless the theme is
suicide or strokes; you can hear the suicide of the strings. The
signified becomes phonemes. suicide. won’t i knife phonemes. for
fall i i for and begone or suicide long gone wrong. . subway
tunnel collapses as plastique and suicide bombers do their work
line, secretly conservative? That I thought suicide, lived in
death’s If _the continuity girl_ commits suicide, does she break
continuity? For already a century old, energy and suicides
suicide. The book is simultaneously a warning and an account of
what went burning the books. the books are suicides. created us
from the soil and water of the earth the suicide bomber is (cond
(suicide-flag (dor-type ($ deathlst))) projectors suicide poorly
in the background, speakers roaring before us – suicide bombers,
storms and lightnings, the destructions of languages and
suicide, the story of initialed names carved into absent
substance. the yearning protocols singing) your saw-palmetto
suicide my the yearning bottom all around the shore, where it is
visited by suicidebirds in and death, about suicide/murder,
_Lustmord,_ Jenny Holzer: What’s going prayer of repetition
murder and suicide This isn’t a preface to a twenty volume
suicide note, maybe approach approach leave suicide ‘death)731:
our things but murders it makes for dreaming suicide, dreaming
patchwork for the very last time. frightened f for s suicide. l
lying a awake a at n night l like this i i f If this were a
suicide note, I would leave you my all. You would hear my and
suicide were all entangled in the television image constricted
rattle lives. They were on the verge of committing suicide. When
I was with them, all any more than if i’m building /dev/nul it
doesn’t mean suicide or commit suicide.” “Great Kant, As a
believer calls to his God, I call friends were threatening
suicide and illness, perhaps suicide bombing, slow attrition by
forgetting, the disasters through drugs, through suicides,
through rages, through is momentary through three and a half
billion years, the guise of suicide. diseases and wars take over
from depression and suicide. wharfcry, the nurse’s suicide, are
equally embodied, that the promulgation her, sustaining herself
on suicide wings with clinched talons, as if mover is its
alleviation. But I would also argue for a suicide for trivial
danger, suicide was the first option that occurred to him. i
dont blame ‘death)731: discipline lesbian murder infidelity
hardcore suicide dev deviously, just as she lived, a case of
possible murder, suicide, she had just attempted suicide, and
when I reached her in the hospital, murmurs heard last no
suicide. and heard heard and syllables for THEORY_NOISE that
just went on and on, suicide background and foreground boasting,
will lists, the i suicide restaurant there’s out, i in know, and
j g suicide down by the river, gratitude towards authors, after
doing this IS a suicide note! site where a suicide tries to
shoot” jennifer failing, her fear of the This is not a suicide
announcement. has disappeared. But comfort alleviates suicide,
and one may stay in this Net sex, Net flame, Net ennui, Net
suicide. of outcomes, but it must be mass suicide. with a such
an extent that even suicide becomes a useless act? carried out.
Later, after his suicide, she asked whether he said anything
coupled There with is suicide internet suicide with new everyone
internet. like now i think of suicide and hills Designed to
withstand suicide, it totters, but does it? should use extreme
care before he classes them as suicides.” suicides. We are
patriot suicide squad. an oddly retroactive form of suicide. so
that i try to sleep here wires suicide all about me seventy two
sets live furious diseases wars take suicide up this end flames,
suicide, Lauren Hutton, distributed intelligence, Tonya Harding,
Russian might have said? Clearly to obstruct suicide is evil. If
a child face which moved smoothly as he stepped forward against
the suicide that never punishments never heals nor suicides not
here island said, how do you do write suicide in avant-garde
xxxx one’s tendency towards suicide, which must be continually
monitored. Not and suicide, say Alan and Nikuko is the saying of
suicide, I told you so. There is the saying of fear, so
committed suicide on the JUNGLE GYM at his school. I never had a
CRUSH on my family is the family of books, suicides among ‘em,
turning towards ash, chaos was in to suicide road cracking ##
bubble ## the age close of unclear. with to unclear. time, to
suicide, time, eighth behind, still on, virtual suicide away…



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beeld code tekst video



A ambieert het zijdelingse tijdruisen tijdens de dissolutie van het ik
B beoogt het sterbezaaide oponthoud in de dissolutie van het ik
C wil de stilte ’sans cesse’ bij het verzwijgen van de dissolutie van het ik (voortaan verzwegen)
D zoekt het Wicht in de Noodweerbalans, haar stromen, haar zandzakjes
E poneert de lichtgrens analoog aan de boomgrens (houthakkersmentaliteit)
F zucht om de kwetsbare stemspleet
G aanbidt de verwantschap ten einde als het Ware te verschijnen
H omcirkelt de fazen instantiatie – distantiatie – kwantificatie – (dis)kwalificatie
I is het in van de letters, het uitloze van de cijfers
J plakt de schaduwen rondom de schaduwen rondom de schaduw van de leegte
K verwezenlijkt de perverture van haar schoonheid daarin
L belichaamt het openbloeien der lusten van groen tot purper tussen de beddenlakens
M herhaalt het zilveren dijglijden in, uit, waar of hoe dan ook, van de onbetamelijke begeerte
N verbeeldt de druipende essentie van horror in de donkerste put van uw dromen
O omzeilt de bleekheid van het zich generende vlees in de lagen velours gewikkeld
P beslaat het geheugen van een eiland dat een eiland in het geheugen is, de palmboom ziet al schepen voor het strand getekend is
R ratelt de tijdsrek die wij stervende verwekken
S sommeert de troost, altijd verschralend bij het aanbreken van de woordendageraad, van de innige liefde
T gebiedt te genieten van elke zonsondergang zoals wij ook genieten van uw ondergang
U zuigt als een attractor de zoekende stem aan van het gebed in het untsoweiter
V vervelt als een slang met de nieuwste bevelen uit het untsoweiter
W verwenst de onafwendbaarheden, snerpend en zuur als ware het vol van Tiens citriet, in het untsoweiter
Z bepaalt de prijs van het untsoweiter


dv@ De Bereklauw, augustus 2008

beeld video

Towers of Babble


[arve url=”″ title=”Towers of Babble” autoplay=”yes” maxwidth=”800″ loop=”yes” /]

audio beeld video

GIF- Animatie


Swallow me now !



beeld meta tekst video

Work in progress – notes for a presentation on electronic literature as a kernel or locus, no canon and not a genre –

Work in progress – notes for a presentation on electronic literature as a kernel or locus, no canon and not a genre –
Some preliminary (application notes):
‘Gamespace’ is defined as a rule-governed domain; the term
applies to anything from a chessboard to a school community.
‘Edgespace’ is the borderlands of the gamespace; it’s always
problematic, and might exist within competing regimes. In the
motion capture work I’ve done, edgespace references the
boundaries of the architecture for capture, and what happens at
the boundaries appears to ‘break’ the capture representation.
‘Blankspace’ then indicates how edgespace is ‘filled in,’ how
the imaginary operates there. I use the terms in considerations
of Arctic and Antarctic mappings, virtual worlds, and so forth.
Finally, the semiotics of splatter considers splatter as
world-breaking and fast-forward tendencies towards mobile
boundary closures; this leads to splatter semiotics, where the
terms form a field that remains always already ruptured. This is
the semiosis of the overloaded or hacked network, the network of
fake news and fake apps, the explosive and turbulent behavior of
the mediasphere itself.
I see this field as a form of politicized digital literature,
where words lose meaning, become puncta (Barthes) or tokens,
where language splays.”
Tweets as Elit / Splatter Semiotics / Semiotics of Splatter:
Trump’s tweets are the basic example of electronic literature:
They are performative, within and without the code.
They are fast-forward in presentation and absorption.
They disappear into the cybersphere; they are always traces.
They wreak havoc on the phenomenology and reception of
traditional media.
    Why is the United States Post Office, which is losing many
billions of dollars a year, while charging Amazon and others so
little to deliver their packages, making Amazon richer and the
Post Office dumber and poorer? Should be charging MUCH MORE!
5:04 AM – 29 Dec 2017
    The Democrats have been told, and fully understand, that
there can be no DACA without the desperately needed WALL at the
Southern Border and an END to the horrible Chain Migration &
ridiculous Lottery System of Immigration etc. We must protect
our Country at all cost!
      Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 29, 2017
    In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Years Eve on
record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old
Global Warming that our Country, but not other countries, was
going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against. Bundle up!
      Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 29, 2017
Caught RED HANDED – very disappointed that China is allowing oil
to go into North Korea. There will never be a friendly solution
to the North Korea problem if this continues to happen!
8:24 AM – 28 Dec 2017
      Donald J. TrumpVerified account @realDonaldTrump
Then thinking through this skeleton (filled out in a forthcoming
Trump tweets are characterized by their timing and placement, by
a ready-made audience of followers, detractors, and
Timing is based on several factors –
1. response to a crisis, attack, or other positive or negative
2. temporal relation to previous tweets (i.e. how far apart are
    they; how is the provocation managed);
3. relation to cable- and other news-outlets, i.e. what is on
    where at the moment;
4. Trump’s personal/internal time clock – sleeping, waking,
5. the desire to confuse the critical listener and news ’talking
    heads / critiques;
6. the desire to ‘win’ by any means possible;
7. the isolation of cant words and other provocations which need
    time on their own to register;
8. and time in relation to politics, political agenda,
    congressional votes, and so forth.
This is a brilliant strategy, reminiscent of bitcoin:
time – embedded and controlled – _not_ the time to read, but the
control over _delay_ and _target_ (temporal, physical,
structural) – becomes of fundamental concern to the performer
(the tweets, as mentioned above, in a sense devoid of truth or
context, performative, headless and tailless, etc.) – works
different in this elit than elsewhere, for example the carefully
measured sequences in works which are embedded online at one or
another site, or carefully networked across sites –
this is a form of networking in which the nodes carry
time-stamps, are hurried, are one-way, carry no feedback (just
as the bully carries only one sort of feedback: submission) –
And then there is Goebbels to consider, the fast-forward
presentation of newspaper headlines and radio ‘news’ in the
months leading up to, and through, at least the beginning of
World War II – the same techniques using any means possible
(newspaper, electric radio) –
All this I consider the _semiotics of splatter_ (i.e.
traditional semiotics, stable, taking the phenomenology of the
splatter cloud, fractal roiling, into consideration) leading to
_splatter semiotics_ (i.e. the altered field in which the
temporal aspects of signifier <–> signified and sender —>
[noise] —> receiver are absolutely critical, in which the sign
is ‘bent’ or ‘mutilated’ or ‘faked’ or ‘blurred’ or
‘non-existent’ –
a semiotics which is always already an incohering dynamics
instead of, say, a category-theoretical locus with somewhat
nameable arrows and objects – in which the objects and arrows
are always already fast-forward:
This is the world / way we are living in , the habitus of
electronic literature, elit, where the practitioners are anyone
in social media, anyone with an audience always altered, always
transformed, as if the tweets were traditional ‘scrolling’ down
the screen –
Then an exhortation:
This is why we must extend elit _everywhere,_ forgetting easy
categorizations and rules, into a political realm where #metoo
is elit, where tweets are elit, where bitcoin is elit, where
dynamics and placements and social media are elit; given the
brutality in the world now and for the foreseeable future, we
must be vigilant, we must expand outside our filter bubbles
(which for me have always been comfortable), extending into the
mind and body of the other – for it is the _body_ – hungry,
isolated, sick, poverty-stricken – and all of us in any
condition, which is ultimately at stake here – the enclave, like
the wall, is dangerous and problematic, and ultimately a problem
for us all.
expo video

theartview – duet with artist at 21er haus


At the centre of the 21er Haus exhibition Duet with Artist – Participation as Artistic Principle lie the audience and its role in the creation of a work of art. Historical and contemporary positions show how artists activate others and call them to action. To think of art as an essential part of life in which “everyone” can participate is not only fundamental to the understanding of art of the 20th and 21st centuries but is one of the fundamental democratic values ​​of our society. The exhibition addresses the active participation of visitors and encourages a critical and creative attitude. In some situations, the viewers perform an artistic act or become an art object themselves. Thus, evoked ideas can become the work of art, as can the execution of instructions or the collaboration with others. The exhibition expands upon the institution of the museum by calling for social action and creating space for encounters. A cooperation between the 21er Haus and the Morsbroich Museum in Leverkusen, Germany. Curated by Axel Köhne. Sep 27th, 2017 to Feb 04th, 2018.

With works by Vito Acconci, Robert Barry, Joseph Beuys, stanley brouwn, Angela Bulloch, John Cage, Claus Föttinger, Rodney Graham, Hans Haacke, Christine Hill, David Horvitz, Pierre Huyghe, Yves Klein, Tomas Kleiner, Krüger & Pardeller, Mischa Kuball, Dieter Meier, Bruce Nauman, Yoko Ono, OPAVIVARÁ!, David Shrigley, Gabriel Sierra, Juergen Staack, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Wolf Vostell, Franz West and Erwin Wurm.



audio video

Totem und Tabu

Totem und Tabu

[“Auch die Kultur, die alle Welt beleckt,
Hat auf den Teufel sich erstreckt.”

goethe, from: faust. first part]

i lick your fire with culture
give the sun to the father
we digest the fire

remain calm
remain calm

i lick your fire with culture
give the sun to the father
we digest the fire
we digest the fire

remain calm
remain calm

the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face
the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face

the shadow of the fire is the animal has your face
the shadow of the fire is the animal with your faith

remain calm
remain calm
remain calm
remain calm

the sun a wound in your world
the fire a wound in your face

remain calm
remain calm

i lick your fire with culture
give the sun to the father
we digest the fire
we digest the fire

remain calm
remain calm

the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face
the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face

remain calm
remain calm

the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face
the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face
the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face
the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face

remain calm
remain calm
remain calm

the sun a wound in your world
the fire a wound in your face

the sun a wound in your world
the fire a wound in your face

remain calm
remain calm

i lick your fire with culture
give the sun to the father
we digest the fire

remain calm
remain calm

the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face
the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face
the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face
the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face

remain calm
remain calm

the sun a wound in your world
the fire a wound in your face

remain calm
remain calm

digest the father

we digest the father
we digest the father
we digest the father

i lick your fire with culture
give the sun to the father
digest the fire

remain calm
remain calm
remain calm