
Expanding Your Mind Hurts – (Insects (Prophecies))


EYHM – In-Infinity

Xenharmonic/Microtonal Sound Brut


(Dirt (Prophecies))


These Were The Dreams

Ritualistic Industrial Sound Brut


EYHM – Elastique Brut V1


EYHM – Distant Hunt


EYMH – The Problem of Being Made out of Metals and Water


The Death Of The Futuristic Man

audio beeld erger video

sadà\exposadà – self-seer


The Politics Of Suffering


Bond Of Fire

the ring of the bond
the bond of fire
the bond of the sky
the bond
the bond of fire


crawl through the ring of the bond
put your finger in the bond

crawl to the sky
crawl in the sky with the ring of fire
crawl to the ring
crawl through the ring of fire

test the fire with your fingers
test the fire with your hands
test the fire with your eyes

and crawl through the ring
in desire

the bond of fire
the bond of fire

the darkness in the sky is your fire

erger tekst

De geparfumeerde tuin

De geparfumeerde tuin  

– naar Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji —

mama magma zwoegend zeewijf
roept om respijt in het rooibos
bladerend in de prehistorische dakgoot te blind & te geel
laatste kleur voor deze bijna-blinde

o stollende hel en kiezels wij oogsten
god’s stakkerend vuur
maar omhoog is de val omhoog
haar stervende guirlande grammatica

onder melkweg bedolven sluimert de rillende
seconde van de rubedo roeiriem m’n rossige rakker
en bevliegt al het dure het geplengde magenta –
keurmeester alarm! ostinato.

suja zalfput zomphalm zonderlingham suja zotteke zoet
ook wij in de diepten doen aan mi-li-eu
gutkut het schoone scheiden van afval in haar hof
so what want heb je dit: [ ] wel eens gezien?

aldus bezweek de puntige patriot van het heelal
maar niet vooraleer de melkweg van leesbare
spatjes te hebben bespogen takjes aan het voorsteven
van de glimmende bruid

het gespalkte al de kreupele kruimels de stijve oevers
van de jammerende jungle spuiten hun keukenmeid over de kling
niets valt er te halen alles is licht
in het schrijvende schrijvende waterding

nu nog de gekko zevert zij en weer stolt vooralsnog
een zwakkere zon tussen de eiken
de gekko levert het verschil tussen leep en leip
rilt op de rille van het smeltende grind

wie zoent mij de wereld
wie zingt mij de wereld
wie zeeft mij de wereld
poppenspel van zever en rijp



Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji, Le jardin parfumé

audio video

Totem und Tabu

Totem und Tabu

[“Auch die Kultur, die alle Welt beleckt,
Hat auf den Teufel sich erstreckt.”

goethe, from: faust. first part]

i lick your fire with culture
give the sun to the father
we digest the fire

remain calm
remain calm

i lick your fire with culture
give the sun to the father
we digest the fire
we digest the fire

remain calm
remain calm

the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face
the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face

the shadow of the fire is the animal has your face
the shadow of the fire is the animal with your faith

remain calm
remain calm
remain calm
remain calm

the sun a wound in your world
the fire a wound in your face

remain calm
remain calm

i lick your fire with culture
give the sun to the father
we digest the fire
we digest the fire

remain calm
remain calm

the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face
the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face

remain calm
remain calm

the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face
the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face
the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face
the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face

remain calm
remain calm
remain calm

the sun a wound in your world
the fire a wound in your face

the sun a wound in your world
the fire a wound in your face

remain calm
remain calm

i lick your fire with culture
give the sun to the father
we digest the fire

remain calm
remain calm

the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face
the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face
the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face
the shadow of the fire is the animal with your face

remain calm
remain calm

the sun a wound in your world
the fire a wound in your face

remain calm
remain calm

digest the father

we digest the father
we digest the father
we digest the father

i lick your fire with culture
give the sun to the father
digest the fire

remain calm
remain calm
remain calm

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